Project Dark Star 개발 중단 및 오픈 소스화

Sun Microsystems 의 Java 기반 MMORPG 서버 프로젝트인 Project Dark Star 가 개발 중단되고, github 와 구글 포럼으로 소스 저장소/포럼을 이전한다고 공지되었다 – via

Project Dark Star 의 포럼 공지에 따르면,

Today is a difficult day for all of us associated with Project Darkstar. Regretfully, we must inform our community members that Sun Labs engineering effort is no longer being applied to Darkstar development. You will hear from the individual engineers about what this means for them, but the organized lab project will not be moving forward.

One of the reasons that we developed Project Darkstar as an open source project was to allow the community to continue if the research objectives of the core team were changed. We will be maintaining the source repositories and the site for as long as we can, but we are also investigating other homes for both the code and the supporting content.

As interesting as the technology development has been with Project Darkstar, I must say that I found the building of the community around that technology one of the most satisfying and interesting experiences of my professional life. I hope that the community will continue, and personally plan on at least observing and perhaps contributing (as an individual) to that continuation. Thank you all, and my very best wishes going forward. To the core team, I can only say that it was an honor and a privileged to work with you on this project and this technology.

간략히 요약하자면, “썬 에서는 더 이상 다크스타에 자원을 투입하지 않을 예정. 공시적인 개발은 더 없다. 웹 사이트와 소스 저장소는 가능한 유지 할 것이며, 코드와 지원 자료를 위한 공간을 찾는 중이다.”.

예전에 이 프로젝트 다크스타의 테크 데모를 봤지만 그 때 느낌으로도 “이거 망하겠네”였는데, 약 2년 반 정도 지난 지금, 프로젝트가 내려지는걸 보고있으니 기분이 좀 묘하긴하다.

내가 생각하는 실패 이유에 관해선 곧 글을 하나 더 써보기로 하겠다.

ps. 프로젝트 다크스타의 github 이름은 red-dwarf. Dark star 가 (겨우) red-dwarf가 되어버리다니… 참 의미심장하다?